I am perfectly capable of understanding the ins and outs of health insurance, but not everybody has the time or the vocabulary to understand the fine print that prevents them from getting treatment or finding out after the fact that that whatever they needed to get well is not covered. And the insurance carriers depend on this.
When one is sick, one usually wants to get better or at least know why they don't feel well. What they don't want to do is fill out endless reams of paperwork, produce identification, pay their copay and then have to justify their problem. That was supposedly the theory behind HMOs. Health care without any hassles. What a concept.
Today has a runner up and surprise, surprise, it is also in the Examiner. Being a military brat and attending schools either on base or just outside of it, I had to say the Pledge of Allegiance whether I wanted to or not. I hated it and thought it had very little use except to give the teacher more time to take attendance and assemble the day's lesson. When you recite it every day of the school year for six or seven years, it ceases to have meaning and becomes a chore. If you asked most kids to explain every line, they can't do it. I used to look enviously at the seniors in high school because they were given the option of sitting it out. When I became a senior, I sat it out.
For two days in late January, a Roberto Clemente Middle School student refused to stand for the pledge and remained silent in her chair, according to details released Tuesday by the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland and confirmed by a Montgomery schools spokesman.Saying the pledge doesn't mean a thing since actions speak louder than words and since I joined the Army two days after graduation, I think I'm pretty patriotic. I was willing to lay down my life to defend American citizens right to freedom of speech, or the right to be quiet.
The teacher first threatened detention and sent her to the counselor's office, according to the ACLU. When the same incident occurred the following day, the teacher called on a school security officer to escort the student to the counselor's office again.
"The law is crystal clear that a public school cannot embarrass or harass a student for maintaining a respectful silence during the Pledge of Allegiance," said Ajmel Quereshi, an ACLU lawyer.
When the student's mother approached school administration for guidance, an assistant principal recommended the student apologize for her "defiance," according to the ACLU.
It baffles me how so many people believe that repetitively saying something shows respect. I wonder how many of the people who believe that the girl should be punished have said the pledge since they graduated. I'll bet it isn't many and that most of them don't remember the words, have never served in the Armed Forces and believe that by wearing a stick pin or have a yellow ribbon on their car that they are patriotic.